
Originally from here

Well, honestly, I kind of feel bad for him.  His advisors didn’t tell him the new motto of 2008:  don’t mass with China

在市最大的体育场有5万人去听达赖的演讲,我们在入口发了6000份传单。另外我们租了一架标语飞机,拖了横幅“Dalai Lama, PLS stop supporting riots!”. 为了防止敌人破坏,飞机横幅在这之前完全是保密的。 飞机的效果非常棒,所有的媒体都报道了标语飞机,飞行员很高兴地说“we made the news!”,电视台通过飞行员找到我们进行了采访并播报。虽然新闻时间很短,但是记者还是比较公正,把双方的观点都列了一下,并播放了打砸抢录像。




A joy ride in the sky in the beautiful spring, $1000
Airplane with anti-Tibetan violence sign

A sign 100 ft long and the time to make it, $100

Airplane with anti-Tibetan violence sign

A ticket to Dalai Lama’s event, and to drive and park, $5

Dalai\'s Reaction

To see the expression on his holiness’ face, PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!

Closeup of Dalai\'s reaction


28 Responses

  1. Wow, that’s funny. I don’t believe that Dalai supported the riots, however. He is only a puppet and he is on someone’s payroll, what kind of influence do you think he still has? I guess the one mistake he made was listening to the CIA… it must not have been great spending all these years wandering about away from his homeland. I feel sorry for the old man.

  2. He himself didn’t do it, while his followers did it. Shame on them…grabbing the torch from a disabled female athlete, disrupting the relay…

  3. The Project for a new chinese millenium?

    sounds similar to “the Project for a new american century”. Was that the origin of the name?

  4. This is really funny…
    agreeing with Edward, I don’t believe that Dalai ever supported the riots (and that would go against his belief too)
    I think China is somewhat making a stupid decision in “harmonizing” Tibet: trying to fight a war without the support of general media. At this age, any side who wants a somewhat lasting victory would need the power of information, and China still thinks he would use the old tactic that wiping the whole village out would stop the cities from knowing. It doesn’t matter what the western media thinks now, if they want to be a world leader, that’s the first lesson that needs to learn.

    However, I don’t think the unification is going to last either. As the Chinese often like to cite how Tibet was part of China in history, just look at the British commonwealth, Spanish and Portuguese south America. Think Australia will forever be part of the British empire?

  5. “We do have media blackouts here in the US; You would not even find a picture from any US medias that showing the protester tried to get a torch away from a lovely disabled girl. ”


  6. »Don’t mass with China.«

    Is that a pun?

  7. I have no comments on Dali, but his followers r playing dangerous game.

    Australia is too far from G.Britian, compare tibet to Northern Ireland pls.

    The Tibet they want includes two other provinces besides Tibet area, and makes no sense since 1 is Islamic aggregate the other has 100 million han race people. The tibet they want is almost half China. Any normal Chinese people will say no to these greedy nonsense slave owners.

  8. To Alan above:
    I quote you here: “I think China is somewhat making a stupid decision in “harmonizing” Tibet: trying to fight a war without the support of general media. ”

    Have you every heard of this: learn from history, not from media!

  9. Please find the truth about Dalai Lama from the video.

  10. Hmm… his facial expression doesn’t seem that priceless… in fact, it seems… normal.

  11. Anyone who attempts to split China is against all the Chinese people. Any kind of such attempt is intolerable and is doomed to fail.

  12. there is only one China in the world.
    I study abroad in malaysia, and I will go to cheer for the torch of the olympic on 21,April.
    there will be ten thousand or more chinese to go to cheer for china. we are not afraid of the dalai lama!!!

  13. To Edward and Alan
    I’m a Chinese. I don’t want to persuade you to believe that Dalai supports the riots. I know many Americans are same as your guys.
    I just want to suggest you to reaseach the Dalai’s history, not from American medium, but from the database of the outside the U.S.
    If I tell you Tibet was a slavery community before 1959, Dalai had more than 4000 serfs and slavers. I’m sure you don’t think it’s true, because you’ve never heard about it.
    Study history by the truth, not by ear.

  14. Tibet managed by Dalai

  15. please go to rossypops.wordpress.com

  16. 说的好!!!!

  17. Haha thats good, nice to see people protesting about the other side of the issue finally

  18. Global Warming Alarmists Beware… http://www.EvilCarbon.com

  19. should be
    “Don’t mess with China!” not “mass”… Please make the correction.

  20. To Edward and Alan:

    There are a few points I would like to make here:

    Self-righteousness and stereotype are what happening in the western media coverage for the Tiebt riots on 3.14.2008. I think the western media like to put themselves on a higher moral ground, and judging others, no matter what, that’s not going to make people happy and listen to whatever they are saying.

    Besides, I think stereotype is something in western culture that against Chinese people, and Chinese government. The western media didn’t even bother to confirm, then start to critize Chinese government crash “peaceful” protest. But actually, the protest was quite violent and deadly, and the government actually learnt from western world, used mostly shield and batons, with some rifles as safety precaution just in case the rioters have assaulting weapons. The western media lost their unbiased view completely. And I think this is really dangerous, since stereotype is a start point of prejudice and discrimination, and those will lead to ethnic hatred. Especially, many times I can feel it is targeting all the Chinese people in US.

    Even China may need to improve the human rights, that doesn’t give any ground to support Tibet to be independent. Historically, China has been Tibet’s overload for hundreds of years, and since 1951, Tibet was under China’s rule for last 60 years almost. Why your western people only pick out those 40 years (1911-1951) to say Tibet was a free country? You simply ignore the hundreds years of history before it and the current reality after it? Isn’t that a bias? You only see whatever support your point, but ignore whatever against it, right?

    Speaking of human rights, remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968, 40 years ago. Even United States had much more serious human rights problem 40 years ago than what China has nowadays, and China has only been opening up itself for 30 years. Any understanding people that are friendly to majority of Chinese people would show more patience on China’s progress. Remember, Rome was not built in one day! And I hope you guys are friendly and really think of the good for Chinese people.

    As I have told my American colleagues many times, Chinese people are not stupid, if you came with contructive criticism, we will know and accept it; but if some one came with manipulative and hostile suggestions, they are only make themselves enemies.

  21. Plus, as for Americans, what do you think of the Civil War.

    As far as I know, all the people in the south reallt WANTED to be independent, they have voted and supported the Conferation, and they fought really hard for it. But President Lincoln finally unified the UNITIED STATES by military force. I still remember in the book “Gone with the wind”, the Northern army burnt down the whole Altlanta city just to deter the southerns from getting their independence in the future. And I believe Union General William Sherman ordered to destroy all the public buildings in the city just to destroy the spirits of the southerns.

    It seems to me, US really should leave the Confederation alone since they had all the reasons to get independent! Edward and Alan, you guys care to comment on that? Oh, you may say, NOW they want to be part of US. But how do you know, maybe in 20 years every Tibetan wants to be part of China, even though there might be less than 1% don’t want to be?

  22. Dalai is funded by CIA ever since 1959. In a sense, Dalai is a CIA agent!

  23. I haven’t read any books by Dalai Lama so I can’t comment too much on his philosophies. I only heard his speech/talk twice. Once when he was honored Congressional Medal in US congress, and he spoke about how he met President Roosevelt when he was only a 14-year-old boy and President gave him a golden pen which he always carried along with the freindship. Of course that aroused loud cheers and apploud in the libral-dominant audience. He gave the speech in very broken English, which I really doubt it might be a fake because he had been here for many years and known as speaking fluently many languages. In another recently occation he told medias mostly from China how Chairman Mao met him friendly for many times when he first came to Beijing in 1954. He even applied to Mao to join Chinese Communist Party! You can say he might be under pressure to do that, but in 1954~55 the political situation was not that bad that he had to do so to save himself and Tibetan people. In fact, his religious counterpart Banchan Lama never did that even though he chose to staty in China and lived through lots of miseries during the Culture Revolution. From those two cases, I feel like Dalai Lama is not as innocent and just pure religious leader as he claims himself to be. To a large extent, he is very political savvy and serves better as a politician and lobbiest.

  24. ××Official document on how CIA funded Tibetan guerrillas and paid salary to Dalai Lama.××

    (From the website of the State Department)

    The cost of the Tibetan Program for FY 1964 can be summarized in approximate figures as follows:

    a. Support of 2100 Tibetan guerrillas based in Nepal–$ 500,000

    b. Subsidy to the Dalai Lama–$ 180,000

    c. [1 line of source text not declassified] (equipment, transportation, installation, and operator training costs)–$ 225,000

    d. Expenses of covert training site in Colorado–$ 400,000

    e. Tibet Houses in New York, Geneva, and [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] ( 1/2 year )–$ 75,000

    f. Black air transportation of Tibetan trainees from Colorado to India–$ 185,000

    g. Miscellaneous (operating expenses of [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] equipment and supplies to reconnaissance teams, caching program, air resupply–not overflights, preparation stages for agent network in Tibet, agent salaries, etc.)–$ 125,000

    h. Educational program for 20 selected junior Tibetan officers– $ 45,000

    Total–$ 1,735,000

  25. If you read carefully what DL wanted for tibet, he wanted an apartheid state in tibet. He wanted segregation, not only in tibet but anywhere else tibetan roamed in the past in the so called greater tibet. In this borderless generation, it is absolutely going against human endeavour in creating a unified and compassionate world. This is entirely against the idea of equal right learned from the last century.
    DL is a facist and he doesn’t know it.

  26. The U.S. has nothing to gain by antagonizing the Chinese government in regard to Tibet, since it’s so isolated. Eventhough I sympathize with Tibet and the Dalai Lama, I was greatly relieved it didn’t become an issue during the Olympics. This is a very complex relationship/conflict which will not be resolved anytime soon.

  27. After two years when this conversation was started, it looks like it doesn’t get any better. Maybe a new approach?

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